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큐어위드 한의원

Initial $ 50
Follow up
Acupuncture / 침술 $10
Tui-Na Massage / 추나요법 $30 (front or back partly)
$50 (whole)
Gua-Sha Therapy / 괄사 요법 $30 (Front or Back Partly) $50 (Whole)
뜸 / 뻐꾸기
Blood Letting With Cupping / 부항 사혈 요법 $30
Combo Deal
Mixed 2 -3 kind of Treatments $ 60
Non Acc
Initial and Treatment / 초진진료및 치료 $120
Follow Up / 일반 진료 $80 - $120
Cosmetic Acupuncture- Start from $150 ~
T & C Applies
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